" meeting of Adolf Hitler and Arthur Neville Chamberlain in Berchtesgaden, Germany: General Wilhelm Keitel (left), chief of the Supreme Command of the "Wehrmacht" (German armed forces), welcoming the British prime minister at the Obersalzberg mountain - 09.15.1938 " /> " meeting of Adolf Hitler and Arthur Neville Chamberlain in Berchtesgaden, Germany: General Wilhelm Keitel (left), chief of the Supreme Command of the "Wehrmacht" (German armed forces), welcoming the British prime minister at the Obersalzberg mountain - 09.15.1938 " /> " meeting of Adolf Hitler and Arthur Neville Chamberlain in Berchtesgaden, Germany: General Wilhelm Keitel (left), chief of the Supreme Command of the "Wehrmacht" (German armed forces), welcoming the British prime minister at the Obersalzberg mountain - 09.15.1938 ">