African-American children have their photo taken during the annual White House Easter Egg Roll during the administration of President Jimmy Carter. In the United States, the Easter Egg Roll is an annual event, and is held on the White House South Lawn each Easter Monday for children (age 13 and younger) and their parents. It is hosted by the President of the United States and the First Lady of the United States. Photograph by Mark Godfrey
GFY1478459 : The annual White House Easter Egg Roll


Refugees from the war and genocide in East Pakistan seek shelter in West Bengal, India at the start of the monsoon season. Photograph by Mark Godfrey
GFY1477868 : Refugees from the war and genocide in East Pakistan


Portrait of a worker on the auto assembly line at the Checker auto factory in Kalamazoo, Michigan (1977). Checker Motors Corporation was a vehicle manufacturer that manufactured taxicabs used by Checker Taxi. The final models were produced in 1982. Photograph by Mark Godfrey
GFY1477974 : Auto assembly line at the Checker auto factory in Kalamazoo, Michigan 1977


A Lebanese woman holds a bomb-like casing dropped by Israeli aircraft during bombing strikes in southern Lebanon in 1974. During 1974, and just prior to the 1975 civil-war in Lebanon, a stealth-war was raging in southern Lebanon between Israel and Palestinian groups that included regular bombing strikes by Israeli aircraft. Photograph by Mark Godfrey
GFY1477886 : A Lebanese woman holds a bomb-like casing dropped by Israeli aircraft 1974.

Exclusive!  License the photographs of Mark Godfrey

Mark Godfrey has an outstanding body of photographic work from a professional career spanning some 60 years.

A former member of Magnum Photos and Black Star Photo Agency, Mark photographed the wars in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and East Pakistan (Bangladesh), as well as general interest stories in Asia and the United States. Based in Saigon and Hong Kong he submitted work to the Associated Press and LIFE Magazine with his assignments used for publications including; TIME, FORTUNE. DISCOVER, NEWSWEEK, PEOPLE, L'EPRESS and The NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. Mark also covered the fall of Cambodia and South Vietnam, the Watergate scandal including Richard Nixon's resignation, the presidential elections of 1976, 1980, Palestinian refugees in Lebanon and Jordan, and the 1974 coal miners strike in the U.K.

With extensive experience as a photographer covering stories ranging from international events to developments in science, industry and the environment Mark also served as photo director for U. S. News & World Report and The Nature Conservancy.

TopFoto represents Mark Godfrey’s work via the continuation of licensing represented collections of The Image Works, Woodstock NY, USA

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A very young Cambodian soldier during operations against the communist Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. The Cambodian Civil War was a civil war in Cambodia fought between the forces of the Communist Party of Kampuchea (known as the Khmer Rouge, supported by North Vietnam and the Viet Cong) against the government forces of the Kingdom of Cambodia and, after October 1970, the Khmer Republic, which had succeeded the kingdom (both supported by the United States (U.S.) and South Vietnam). Photograph by Mark Godfrey
GFY1477537 : Young Cambodian soldier during operations against the communist Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.


U.S. President Richard Nixon; surrounded by his wife Pat, their two daughters and husbands, delivers a departure speech to the White House staff as he resigns the Presidency and prepares to leave the White House on August 9th, 1974. Richard Milhous Nixon (January 9, 1913 – April 22, 1994) was the 37th president of the United States, serving from 1969 until 1974. Nixon was a member of the Republican Party. Photograph by Mark Godfrey
GFY1478304 : President Richard Nixon, surrounded by family, delivers his departure speech to the White House staff 9 August 1974.


A 1983 demonstration for racial equality and freedom in Washington, DC. Photo by Mark Godfrey
GFY1477430 : A 1983 demonstration for racial equality and freedom in Washington, DC.


bigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski (March 28, 1928 – May 26, 2017) was a Polish-American diplomat and political scientist. He served as a counselor to President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1966 to 1968 and was President Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor from 1977 to 1981. Major foreign policy events during his time in office included the normalization of relations with the People's Republic of China (and the severing of ties with the Republic of China on Taiwan); the signing of the second Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty. Photograph by Mark Godfrey.
GFY1477648 : Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski , National Security Advisor from 1977 to 1981.


South Vietnamese soldiers with a captured North Vietnamese soldier during the Spring offensive of 1972, also known as the Easter Offensive. Moving forward on March 30, 1972, People's Army of North Vietnam (PAVN) forces stormed across the DMZ supported by 200 tanks. Striking the ARVN I Corps, they sought to break through the ring of ARVN firebases located just below the DMZ.
GFY1479586 : South Vietnamese soldiers with a captured North Vietnamese soldier during the Spring offensive of 1972, also known as the Easter Offensive.


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